App Q&A

1. I’m brand new to The Duchenne Registry. How do I join?

  1. Visit and click “Join.” You will need to enter your email address to pre-register.
  2. You will receive an invitation email from (Remember to check your spam/junk folder if you do not see the email in your Inbox.)
  3. Click on the link (iOS or Android) in the email to download the app on your smartphone. The link will expire after 7 days. If the link has expired, go to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to search for and download the app.
  4. Follow the app screens to complete the registration and consent process. You will need to enter the Activation Code from your invitation email in order to complete registration. The Activation Code does not expire.
  5. Please “Allow notifications” so you can receive important Registry reminders!

2. I had an account in the previous web version of The Duchenne Registry (DuchenneConnect). How do I join the app?

  1. Please email us at We are able to view your old account and send you an invitation email for downloading the app.
  2. Open your email invitation from Click on the link in the email to download the app on your smartphone. The link will expire after 7 days. If the link has expired, go to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to search for and download the app.
  3. Follow the app screens to complete the registration and consent process. You will need to enter the Activation Code from your invitation email in order to complete registration.
  4. Please “Allow notifications” so you can receive important Registry reminders!
  5. Now you are in the app! When you begin the Medical Surveys under the “Activities” tab (bottom left), you will notice that your most recently completed answers will appear in the app. If an answer is no longer correct, just click the correct answer and move to the next question in the survey.

3. I had multiple accounts for different family members in the previous web version of The Duchenne Registry (DuchenneConnect). How do I get the app and access all of my family accounts?

  1. Please email us at and provide us with the names of your family members with registry accounts. We can view your old accounts and send you an invitation email for each of your family members, if each family member had a unique email associated with their account. If all your accounts had the same email address, see #8 below.
  2. Open your email invitation from Click on the link in one of the emails to download the app on your smartphone. The link will expire after 7 days. If the link has expired, go to the Apple App Store or Google Play Store to search for and download the app.
  3. Follow the app screens to complete the registration and consent process for one of your family members. You will need to enter the Activation Code from that person’s invitation email in order to complete registration for that person.
  4. Please “Allow notifications” so you can receive important Registry reminders!
  5. Once in the app, go to the “Profile” tab (bottom right) and click Accounts. Then click Add an Account. You will go through the same registration and consent process for each family member, including having to enter each person’s unique Activation Code. Activation Codes do not expire.
  6. To switch between accounts in the app, go to the “Profile” tab (bottom right) and click Accounts. In the screen that slides open, you will see a list of the accounts that have been added with a green check mark indicating the account you are currently signed into with the name and email address for that person. Just tap the account that you would like to switch to!
  7. Next go to the “Activities” tab (bottom left). You will see the name and email address associated with the account you are currently signed into. When you begin the Medical Surveys, you will notice that your most recently completed answers will appear in the app. If an answer is no longer correct, just click the correct answer and move to the next question in the survey.
  8. If all of your registry accounts had the same email address, you will need to follow the same instructions as a brand new registrant (see top of page). You will not see your previous answers in the Medical Surveys under the “Activities” tab, but do not worry. We still have all of your previous data in our registry, it is just not visible in your app. If it’s been awhile since you last completed the Medical Surveys, please go ahead and complete them again so we have up-to-date information.

4. I don’t know if I have an account in The Duchenne Registry. How do I check?

  1. Visit and click “Join.” Enter the email address you think would be associated with your or your child’s Registry account.
    • If that email address already exists in our Registry, you will be told “This email address has already been registered.” Search your email inbox and your spam/junk folder for the invitation email from Follow the appropriate instructions above (depending on whether you have one or more registry accounts in your family).
  2. Or, if you can’t recall what email address was used to create an account, please email and provide the full name and date of birth of the individual you want to register. We will check the Registry and respond back to you as soon as possible.

5. Is the app safe to use? Will my data and personal health information be kept confidential?

Yes. The Duchenne Registry is deeply committed to protecting your privacy and identity, and we will use every available measure to ensure the security of your personal information. The Registry app is hosted by THREAD Research, a leader in virtual research platforms and mobile apps. All Registry data is stored in the Duchenne Outcomes Research Interchange hosted by Prometheus Research, an IQVIA company. Both THREAD Research and Prometheus Research comply with important research and privacy regulations for protecting patient data in research. You will learn more about data safety in the app consent process.

6. What happened to all of my data that I entered previously in the web-based platform?

We have all of your historical data! No data was lost during the transition to our app platform. All data entered into the Registry since it began in 2007 is stored in a secure database at Prometheus Research, an IQVIA company. All data entered into the app will flow into this database will flow into this database at Prometheus, which is called the Duchenne Outcomes Research Interchange. When you download the app you should see your most recent answers to survey questions. These have been transferred for you to make the transition as seamless as possible.

7. I can’t see my medical records that were attached to my account. Will they be visible in the future?

Your medical record attachments (such as your genetic test report) are not visible in the app, but they are securely stored within the Registry platform. If you have any questions about your submitted reports and data, please email the Registry Coordinators at The Coordinators are board-certified genetic counselors with extensive experience in Duchenne.

8. I have two children with Duchenne. How does that work in the app?

It’s easy to have two or more accounts within the same family, all accessed within the same app. You will be able to switch between accounts, once you have them set up in the app. Please see instructions above for details on how to activate your children’s accounts (if they were registered in our previous web platform), or how to start new accounts for them (if they are not yet registered).

9. My child with Duchenne is now an adult. Should he/she have the Registry app on his/her smartphone?

Yes! With the new app, both the parent and the adult child can have the app on their smartphones and access the same account (but not at the same time). They will both have to use the same email and password to access the same account. So a parent could complete some surveys, and the adult child could complete other surveys on his/her own. We encourage adults with Duchenne to be more active participants in their medical care, and this will be an easy way for them to do that while providing valuable data for research.

10. Will I still get emails from The Duchenne Registry?

Yes, email will still be the primary way in which we communicate with our registrants, so please make sure that the email you use with the app is your primary email that you check frequently. If at any time you wish to change the email associated with your account, please email us at with your information including current email, and the email address you wish to use instead. The app will also allow us to send app notifications, but the majority of communication will be via email. All announcements regarding clinical trials and research studies that you or your child may qualify for will come via email.

11. I live outside of the United States. Can I use the Registry app?

Yes, we welcome registrants from any country and we have over 100 countries represented in the Registry. The app is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store in most countries, but it is currently available only in US English and US Spanish (Latin American).

12. Who do I contact with questions?

Please contact the Duchenne Registry Coordinators with any questions: or 888-520-8675. We are available Monday – Friday, 8am – 5pm ET.

Our Impact


Registrations Since Launch


Countries Represented


of Longitudinal Data


Trials and Studies Recruited

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